Las Vegas Business Capital

We Purchase Private Mortgage Notes Nationwide

Get a Fast Cash No-Obligation Quotation

We Provide Fast Cash...When You Need It Most!

Selling Options

We offer a number of attractive options for you to consider when selling your promissory mortgage note. This includes the most common option requested by most sellers which is a 100% Cash Out offer. 

We also offer a Partial Purchase option in which you can simply sell us a series of future payments to meet your current cash needs and retain the remainder of the note. 

Note Types We Purchase

Property Types

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FREE!! Your Copy of Our Informative Note Holders Handbook

Find out more.  View our short VIDEO presentation and follow the instruction to download your FREE Note Holders Handbook.

Click the image above to get a No-Obligation Fast Cash quotation on any private mortgage note

Click the image above to request a FREE copy of our popular Note Holders Handbook (PDF) 

Did you know we pay for referrals?  That’s right.  You can refer a friend and earn a cash referral fee

Las Vegas Business Capital
1700 Alta Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Phone: 702-289-1749

Web Design by DataMax Marketing Systems, Inc.